
Showing posts from June, 2020

Simple Ways to Get More Retweets on Twitter

These technics will help you to get retweets on Twitter: 1. Tweet at the Correct Time. Perhaps the most critical aspect of all is sending the messages at the correct moment. There's no point, after all, in sending out tweets when none of your followers are tuned in, right? According to The Psychology of Retweets by Dan Zarrella, 2 p.m. Around 6 P.M. EST reflects the safest moment to call for a retweet. 2. Add Colourful Photos. It's a smart idea to connect photos to the posts and help them stick out in consumer feeds. Tweets of photos are having 18% more taps, 89% more likes, and 150% more retweets. If you want to get retweets in a short time you need to Buy Twitter Retweets . 3. Build Relationships. Networking should not take place offline. I seek to get to know at least 5 Twitter users a week, who have more than 20,000 followers. I do so by sending them direct messages, communicating with them via email, tweeting them, and re-tweeting some of their tweets.