7 Powerful Time-Saving Tips to Help Auto Publish Instagram Post l IGAutoposter

1. Create Instagram posts on the desktop instead of mobile.
Thanks to the great number of tools out there, social media management has become much easier than it was a few years ago. While Instagram still doesn’t allow publishing through its web application, there are many tools that allow you to create your Instagram posts on the desktop first.

Creating Instagram posts on the desktop can be a massive time saver. Here’s why:
Creating your graphics or editing your photos on your desktop can be much faster than doing so on your mobile.
Most Instagram scheduling tools save you from the hassle of transferring your graphics and photos from your desktop to your mobile.
With Buffer for Instagram, you can upload your image and schedule a post on your desktop. Then we’ll either automatically post it for you or send you a notification at your chosen time.

If you’re preparing your Instagram posts on the desktop, here are some useful images sizes to ensure your content always looks great:- Square Image: 1080px in width by 1080px in height
- Vertical Image: 1080px in width by 1350px in height
- Horizontal Image: 1080px in width by 566px in height
Editor’s note: For more on the perfect images sizes for Instagram (and all other major social media channels) check out this post.

2. Convert your account to a business profile.
Aside from direct publishing, business profiles on Instagram can access some useful advanced features.
For instance, Instagram Insights will show you when your followers are online, what city they’re in, and their age and gender. You’ll also get a contact button in your profile, the ability to promote posts, and the ability to add links to your Instagram Stories.

Converting your Instagram profile to a business profile is pretty easy:- Tap the ellipsis button on your Instagram profile.
- Tap Switch to Business Profile.
- Select your business’ Facebook Page (ensure you’re an admin on your Facebook Page, otherwise it won’t appear on the list).
- Ensure your Instagram account is set to public.
- Ensure all your contact information (address, email, phone number) is accurate.

3. Develop a Consistent look and feel.

Crafting a few posts without a moment’s delay makes your account more reliable and consistent. Remember! Consistency is the key.
Steady shading palettes, hashtags, and captions are imperative: 60 percent of brands utilize a similar filter on their Instagram posts, as stated by a Webdam research report. Why? Since colors influence feeling and emotions, which impacts behavior.

What do you want your viewers/users to feel when they see your post? What tone your captions are delivering to your audience? Is it safe to say that you are accomplishing an emotional ping with each post?
An Instagram scheduler takes into consideration a detailed perspective of the inventive and creative planning of your posts.

4. Repost quickly with permission.
A study by marketing startup, Crowdtap, and the global research company, Ipsos, found that user-generated content is 35 percent more memorable and 50 percent more trusted than traditional and non-user-generated media.
A great way we’ve found to share user-generated content on Instagram is to repost images from our community. This strategy has helped us grow our Instagram following by 500 percent under six months. (If you want to learn how we find the best user-generated content for our account, here’s a short video by Brian Peters, our social media manager.)

A typical way of reposting an image after asking for permission looks something like this:- Take a screenshot on your mobile
- Crop away everything apart from the image
- Copy and paste or type out the caption
- Add your own caption
- Finally, publish the user-generated content
Apps like Buffer and Repost allow you to skip all the tedious steps. Simply copy the Share URL of the Instagram post you want to repost and open the reposting app. The post, with both the image and original caption, will be generated for you in the app.

5. Frequently Post Instagram Stories.

One way to get around the decrease in post engagement is to expand your posting in another area. Instagram Stories offer a variety of engagement opportunities, including the newest Poll feature. The algorithm takes into account all actions of engagement like replying to a Story or sending a Story to someone. The more engagement, the likelier your posts will show up in the feed.
Mammoth Espresso demonstrates a fun way to use the Poll feature in Instagram Stories. It’s timely and relevant to their customers in New Orleans.

6. Plan the layout of your gallery.
Instead of thinking about what you want to post every day on the day itself, a good approach might be to plan your posts with your overall social media strategy in mind.
Also, Instagram is becoming a curated platform where businesses and individuals only post their best photos according to specific themes instead of every photo they take. So, it’s important to have a well-curated and consistent profile gallery.

At Buffer, the themes we chose for our Instagram account are:- User-generated content
- Digital nomad lifestyle
- Productivity and motivation

7. Schedule time to engage.

Another task you can batch is responding and engaging with others on Instagram. By batching them and scheduling the time to do that, you gain control over your schedule instead of being dictated by notifications.

Here’s what you can try:-
 Turn off notifications for your Instagram account.
- Schedule 30 minutes to an hour on your calendar every day to reply to comments, like, and comment on your followers’ posts.
- You could also schedule up to a few sessions like this in a day if you want to have a faster response time on Instagram.
This will prevent the notifications from disrupting your day when you are working on other tasks.

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