Want to Increase SoundCloud Followers? Here Are 8 Great Tools
1. Interact with Others in the Community.

To get your account more followers, you have to start making friends. Always remember that social media is all about giving and taking. If you want people to follow you, then you need to follow them as well. Follow other people, comment on their works and share them too. If you do this, they’ll gladly do the same for you.
2. Give Solid Feedback on Other People’s Work.

Generic comments like “nice song!” or “cool tunes!” are appreciated but are not really noticed. If you want people to follow you, give an honest opinion about their works. Of course, don’t be rude or spiteful when you do so. They will appreciate your feedback and interact with you.
3. Work Hard to Look Good.

Not everyone has a good sense of taste, but while picking up the artwork for your avatar and profile cover it is important to remember the appropriate dimensions (nobody likes seeing pixels) and the number of details shown. Your graphics will appear in several places (eg. in comments) in reduced size. Will it still be readable in half size? Again, Uncle Google is really helpful in the matter of pixel numbers. It is also important for the content of this graphic to be related to what you do. After all, one picture is worth more than 1000 words.
The same should go for your music making practices. You can not play all the instruments at once. Ti is always a wise idea to use loop samples. But always use good sample packs.
4. Release Quality Content Consistently.

When you finish a demo or have a musical idea that sounds great, you shouldn’t put it out on SoundCloud immediately. The idea may probably be gold, but your online and public presence is a reflection of who you are as an artist. Therefore, you must understand that you should only post finished tracks that are a truthful and complete representation of your work. In the end, all work that is polished will be better than some unfinished idea.
It is also necessary that you use high-quality sounds to achieve a good sounding track. Only use the best samples out there if you are not recording your own. It may be hard to find good sample packs for free, but there are great sounding sample packs that are available for free. These could immediately contribute to a better sound.
Quality content doesn’t only rhyme with the ingredients of your track. If your track isn’t properly mixed and mastered, who would listen to it? To use an analogy, who would eat an overcooked meal? There are some great resources out there that can help you improve your mixing and mastering skills such as online production courses, informative youtube tutorials or even books on the given topic.
However, at this stage, you don’t want to be obsessed by the quality of your tracks whilst not releasing anything for a long lapse of time. There is a right balance to be found between quality and consistency. Moreover, if you release tracks consistently you will give your audience something to look forward to. At an early stage, this can be crucial, in order to build expectations.
5. Develop Your Artistic Image.

Developing a brand in the right way is something you will have to learn if you want to become a successful artist. Of course, most of the big artists today have an entire team working with them on their image. However, this doesn’t mean that you cannot create a meaningful image on your own. With branding, you must be consistent. In the industry, music professionals look for artists with a strong brand and image. Furthermore, if you are seen as professional and legitimate, potential new fans would also be willing to pay attention to you.
That is not to say that this is an easy process. Tailoring everything to a unique image takes time. But once you find your image and make your personality shine out, you will undeniably increase your chances of getting exposure for your music. In fact, it’s the only real way to stand above the crowd.
To develop your artistic image, you need to ask yourself a few questions as an artist:
- What sets my music apart from the mainstream?
- How can my personal story be interesting for someone who has never heard my music?
- What message am I trying to convey?
6. Engage.

In real life and in social media there is only one way to really gain meaningful strong relationships, and that is to get out there and mix it up with people. If you sit and watch from the sidelines, not much is going to happen. You need to use that mentality when growing your SoundCloud followers. So if you really want to be embraced by the SoundCloud community, you must contribute. Comment on other artists’ tracks, repost them, favorite them, whatever you can do to engage with other users. Do this consistently for a while, 30 minutes a day, and see that great things can happen over the course of a couple of months.
7. Interact with Other SoundCloud Users.

If you love the tracks that you are listening to, let the creators know. Liking or reposting their tracks will give them a chance to notice you and start engaging. Leaving comments on their tracks draws attention from the artists themselves, as well as their followers.
Take this a step further by providing your honest opinion about the track in the comments section. Feel free to write longer comments that better detail your insights. The track creator will appreciate your effort and more likely respond. This will also trigger a deeper conversation between you and other listeners.
8. Buy Followers and Plays.

Sometimes, the first impression is the most important one. If people see that your account hardly has any followers, chances are they won’t even bother listening to your work. One of the best ways to address this issue is to buy Soundcloud followers. This a very effective strategy because it gives the impression that you are popular on the platform.
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