8 Of The Best Secrets To Get More Followers On Instagram

1.  Create an Attractive Account.

Once you have chosen a clear focus of your account, the next step is to include everything in your account, which is required to make it look great for your followers. An interesting description with an impressive profile picture can help you with this, but the most important thing is to use only those photos in your account that looks great and noticeable. This will set up your first impression from the people and encourage them to follow your daily activities.
Your portfolio should include at least 20 high-quality images that match the focus of your Instagram account and always ensure you avoid posting irrelevant images to your photo feed. This is vital since people will check at your photo feed before starting following you. If you post irrelevant photos with silly taglines, there will be more chances that people will avoid seeing your pictures on their Instagram feed.

2. Join Instagram Engagement Groups.

Are you just starting to learn how to get followers on Instagram? This tactic is best for beginners. Some Instagram newbies have seen their Instagram followers increase fast. What did they do differently? They joined engagement groups.
While it can be tempting to join the biggest Instagram engagement groups, the truth is you’ll get a more targeted list of Instagram followers by sticking to your niche. You can find engagement groups for travel, beauty, fashion and more.
In these groups, you can get followers and likes from people who have shared interests. But if you’re serious about getting the attention, you should also return the favor by following fan pages for people who join the group. I’ve had friends get 2,000 new followers in only a couple weeks using this strategy.
While it might not help with immediate sales, it helps you gain credibility early on so your Instagram page doesn’t show that you only have 38 followers. This is more of a short-term strategy for your first few weeks on Instagram, not a long-term one for getting Instagram followers.

3. Designate a Content Creator.

Just like there should be one (maybe two) people managing your other social media accounts, there should only be one or two people managing your Instagram account. If possible, choose someone who has experience using a personal Instagram account, and therefore "gets" the platform -- and be sure they know all the handy features Instagram has to offer.
If you work for a large organization, you might find that a lot of people want to have a say in what's posted. That's when an organized request or guidelines document comes in hand. This document should inform people how to request a post on your Instagram account, when, the value of the post, and why.

4. Using Hashtags in Instagram Stories.

Hashtagging on Instagram posts are a given, but you should also be using hashtags in your Stories for the chance to be seen by users who follow that specific hashtag.

You can use Hashtag Stickers (which can be found in the Stickers menu when creating a Story) or just hashtag directly in your captions for a chance to be featured in a Hashtag Story. Now that users can follow hashtags, your Stories have a chance to be seen by both people who are following that hashtag and anyone who’s just checking it out.

5. Brush up on Your Photography and Editing Skills.

On Instagram, post quality matters. A lot. Your Twitter followers might forgive a few bad tweets, but a bad photo on Instagram is a big no-no. By no means do you have to take a photography course to be a good Instagram poster -- nor do you have to practice for weeks before you start. But you should get familiar with basic photography tips and photo editing apps.

Photography Skills:-

Since Instagram is a mobile app, chances are, most of the photos you post to Instagram will be taken on your mobile device. That's not just okay; it's expected. While some brands use professional photography for their Instagram photos, most use smartphones -- and that's the vibe that Instagram is meant for, anyway.
Here are some highlights:
  • Focus on one subject at a time.
  • Embrace negative space.
  • Find interesting perspectives.
  • Look for symmetry.
  • Capture small details.
  • Make your followers laugh.

Photo Editing Skills:-

Instagram has some basic editing capabilities, but oftentimes, they aren't adequate to make a picture really, really great. Most of your photos should go through at least one or two other photo editing apps on your mobile phone before you open them on Instagram for the first time.

6. Connect With Your Existing Account.

When your Instagram account becomes attractive and has a clear focus or goal, then it must be connected with other popular social networking sites to let the world know about your business brand. You can do so by going to the instagram.com/username, you will be directed to your Instagram profile that you can then share over Twitter, Facebook, your blog and other popular platforms.

You can also use your email contacts and send them an email telling people about your Instagram account along with the explanation of the kind of photos posted by you over there and asking them they follow you if they are interested. Depending on your network size, it helps in increasing your first 50-100 Instagram followers.

7. Post Consistently.

To get more followers on Instagram you need to focus on growing your account, and that means posting consistently. Yes, this does take some work and planning. But it’ll pay off in the long run. There are a lot of rumors about why consistency is important, but I’m going to break it down for you here.
Consistent posting gives people a reason to become your Instagram follower. It makes sense for them to follow you if you’re posting consistently. You follow someone on Instagram so that you can get their latest updates. It’s that simple.
By picking a posting schedule, spacing out your content and sticking to it, you’ll really maximize your reach on Instagram.
So what does a consistent posting schedule look like?
  • Decide how many times you’ll post per day. At a minimum, you need to be posting one picture per day. Personally, I post twice a day. It’s all about how much you can manage.
  • Decide what times you’ll post. You can use a tool like Squarelovin’ to get your optimal times. For me, I find I get loads of engagement first thing in the morning and then in an evening, so I aim to post at 8 am and 8 pm each day.

8. Make Your Profile Easy to Find and Follow.

Place a follow button on your homepage, your "About Us" page, and various other places on your website. You can generate a "badge" button that links to your account on Instagram's website here. Just make sure you're logged into the right account when you create it.
If your brand has brick-and-mortar locations, put out a good ol' print call-to-action letting people know you have an Instagram account and encouraging them to follow you.
Also, be sure to promote your Instagram account on your other social media accounts. Chances are, the folks who already follow you on Facebook and Twitter will also follow you on Instagram without much prodding. Let those followers know you're on Instagram and encourage them to follow you thereby including a link to your Instagram account in the bios and posts of those other social media accounts.

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