How To Get More Followers On Spotify

1) Source Your Facebook Friends.

If you have 1,000 Facebook friends there is a good chance 300-600 of them are on Spotify. Draft up a message that you can send out to your Facebook friends. Be detailed and don't forget to tell them why they should follow you. Being your friend is hopefully enough but give them your pitch just to be sure. Writing a post simply is not enough you need to message each person individually. If you are bold have them send you a screenshot of them following you.

2) A link in Bio.

Make sure all of your social channels have a link to your Spotify in your profile with a call to action! This makes it easy for people you connect with on social media to follow you and become instant fans.

3) Post on Reddit.

Reddit's Spotify Playlists subreddit hosts a competition every month for the best playlist created within a theme. Alternatively, you can simply upload to this subreddit which helps to bring the power of Reddit's ranking algorithm to Spotify playlist discovery.
The We Are the Music Makers subreddit is another online community perfect for playlist exchanges. There are different competitions every week to create a buzz, where users post comments and regularly check out the work of others.

4) Spotify Playlist Exchange.

Join the Spotify Community! Log in with your Spotify username/password and post your playlist to the Spotify Playlist Exchange with a brief description informing other users of the genre, why you created it and whether you’re going to keep it updated or not. Remember to tag related genres in case users search for particular music through the playlist exchange.
You can also rate playlists submitted by other curators, comment on their threads with your playlist attached and encourage them to follow it.

5) Collaborate with Other Playlist Curators.

Collaborate with popular playlist-makers such as Filter, Indiemono, Streaming Promotions, and Playlist Pump.
Create a playlist that’s mutually beneficial; with the help of these platforms, it could rank highly on Spotify searches. Send in a proposition along with your playlist idea via email or through the websites. Remember to advertise yourself as a curator who can work professionally and within a deadline.

6) Invest in Spotify Promo.

There are a few Spotify promotion services out there and most of them look suspect and offer very little information. The only one I have seen deliver results time after time is Playlist Push. They send your music out to curators and run two weeks campaigns. In the first week, they are trying to get you on as many lists as they can to trigger the algorithm on Spotify that can land you on lists like Fresh Finds. They send you a very detailed report after your campaign wraps and help you to build out your audience on Spotify.
As they say, nothing in this world is free and you do have to work to set up these different ways of gaining free followers. The more you put in these strategies and tip the better chance you have at gaining Spotify followers for free. Once you get them all set up they are mostly automated, sit back and watch the Spotify followers roll in.

7) Add a ‘Follow’ Button on your Website.

If you log into Spotify for Artists, click on ‘Tools’ to access the Follow button widget. Placing this code on your website will create a button that makes it easy for visitors to follow you on Spotify with a click of a button.
You can also embed a playlist to your website next to your follow button. Create a playlist with all of your music, your best songs or maybe latest releases on top. This gives visitors a clue that you’re on Spotify so they may be more likely to follow you. The only drawback with using Spotify as your website music player is they need a Spotify account to listen. Ideally, for your website, you want to use an audio player like Bandcamp or SoundCloud so visitors can easily listen to your music. Or You can Buy Spotify Followers for Increasing your Followers.

8) Contact Artist on Your Playlist.

Bands and artists always want to get music playlisted, so reach out and ask them to share with their fans. If you don’t know them personally or don’t want to get in touch via their management, then the best way to do this is through Twitter. Attach a link and playlist artwork in case they re-tweet!

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