These Secrets Will Help You to Increase Your Playlist Followers On Spotify

Spotify is one of the best ways to get your music heard, but first, you need people who will listen. Sure, you can try to get on Spotify playlists and hope the followers will, ahem, follow. But that’s a bit like putting the cart before the horse, especially when you’re talking official Spotify playlists.
One way you can increase your listeners (and maybe earn a coveted playlist spot) is by attracting more Spotify followers. Below are five ways to do just that.

1. Understand Your Listeners’ Wants and Needs.

Even if your main forte is song creation, Spotify playlists give you the opportunity to think entrepreneurially about your target audience. You’re entering a zone in which the better you promote your art, the more success you’ll see. Therefore, you must put yourself in your fans’ shoes and think about their main desires and interests. First, define your target audience. Who are they? If you think they’ll like your music, what else will they like? What other genres do you like, even though you don’t make that type of music?
Only after thinking through the interest patterns of your fans can you start to actually reach them.

2. Use Your Social Power.

The first and the most effective way to build your following on Spotify is to use the social media power you already have. If you have an artist page on Facebook or a few hundred friends on your personal account this is a great place to start. Post the link to your playlist, tell people what to expect if they follow and actively ask people to follow. Be sure to also ask your friends to share your playlist with other friends who might be interested in the style of music you are curating.
Don’t stop at Facebook, use your InstagramTwitterSnapchatMusicallySoundcloud and Reddit account to ask people to follow your playlists. You have spent time building your community, be sure to use them! If you are looking for some tools to help grow your social media following.
Also, try to tag the artists you have featured in the playlist when you are talking about it on social media. A Retweet or Facebook mention from a popular artist can help your Spotify playlist explode!

3. Add a ‘Follow’ Button on Your Website.

If you log into Spotify for Artists, click on ‘Tools’ to access the Follow button widget. Placing this code on your website will create a button that makes it easy for visitors to follow you on Spotify with a click of a button.
You can also embed a playlist to your website next to your follow button. Create a playlist with all of your music, your best songs or maybe the latest releases on top. This gives visitors a clue that you’re on Spotify so they may be more likely to follow you. The only drawback with using Spotify as your website music player is they need a Spotify account to listen. Ideally, for your website, you want to use an audio player like Bandcamp or SoundCloud so visitors can easily listen to your music.

4. Reach Out To Playlisting Sites.

Find websites that push playlists like Sound Plate and and submit yours to a network of curators. is connected to the ‘Playlist a Day’ app, which is compatible with iPhone and Android. It randomizes Spotify playlists and sends users one themed playlist a day. It’s also free to download from iTunes and Google Play.

5. Include a Link in Your Newsletter.

If you have a newsletter, and you should ask your fans to follow you on Spotify. This should be part of each and every newsletter you send if you’re generally interested in having more people hear your music. Just like your social media, you should also let them know when you’re releasing a single, album, EP, or have been added to a playlist with a link back.

6. Consider Collaborating.

If you’re having a hard time getting Spotify followers, collaborate with playlist-makers like Filter or Playlist Pump. Create your playlist, and with the help of either of these, you could boost your ranking on Spotify searches. Advertise yourself as the curator and send in a proposition letting them know why they should collaborate with you.

7. Share Exclusive Content.

To get an unusual response, you got to do something innovative to achieve that. When you decide for a particular idea of a playlist, you must make sure if it has already been shared by anyone or anything similar to it has got its position on the network or not. Your playlist must have a niche to offer rather than doing the repetitive stuff as unique is more likely to get noticed on Spotify, or anywhere else for that matter.

8. Don’t Put in Too Many Songs.

In making your playlist, don’t put in too many songs. Having a playlist with too many songs isn’t as appealing as having a playlist with a fewer number of songs. Range it in 25-40 songs.
Think like a DJ when putting in songs. Assess what song should go first and what song should follow it. Arrange it to have good transitions from one song to the next. You can also update it weekly and add new songs to the top of the list. That way, it can still be relevant and up to date.

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