Tricks to Get More Soundcloud Plays in 2019

SoundCloud is the best place to get to get your music. If you need more visibility in SoundCloud, you should find out how to increase SoundCloud plays.

1. Improve Your Music’s Visibility.

Once you become a member on Soundcloud after registration you must put in the efforts to build and grow your community and the number of your followers which results in further sharing of your work which is the first step of promoting your creation. Soundcloud is a place for music producers as well where they are always looking out for tracks and your song might be the next thing that would interest them. To gain recognition for your work and to make the world know of your existence as an artist maximum exposure of your music to the masses is very essential and Soundcloud does just that. It is the easiest and the simplest means of improving your music’s visibility and exposure at the global level. This is very true as there are over 20 million Soundcloud users and the number just keeps increasing every day.
The option of interacting and connecting with other musicians and artists makes Soundcloud a better music platform than YouTube for new artists
Though a very popular video sharing site, YouTube never caters the actual need of musicians. Because here a lot of heeds is given to the making of the music video which again involves money and Soundcloud is all about audio musicSoundCloudand the money that you invest on video can be spent to improvise the quality of your music. YouTube is devoid of social networking influence which is otherwise experienced with FaceBook, Twitter, Soundcloud, etc.

2. Use SoundCloud Advertisements.

You can always promote your tracks with SoundCloud to expand your reach. SoundCloud Ads, also called Promoted Tracks, which will be purchased by artists, including a mixture of radio-style audio ads, display advertising on mobile, and native advertising. Thousands of artist have used this technique of promoting their tracks with lots of success.
Nevertheless, ads can get costly. Very expensive. The average SoundCloud promoted track marketing campaign can run you up several thousand or even tens of thousands of dollars. This selection is usually out of reach for most new and upcoming artist, so let's move on.

3. Appropriate Set-Up of Your SoundCloud Account.

Usually, this setting-up step is not of much use for many, but you should know the importance of each aspect. Please be aware of the elements that can help you engage with a large audience. To get more listeners, you should create your account using the Facebook account (already active). Doing, this will automatically give you attention from the existing contacts on Facebook. Also, new SoundCloud users are more likely to follow you if you are active through Facebook, it’s a tested formula. Share your profile on all other social channels you are active on like Twitter.
While adding profile URL and description, add high-resolution images only, as they easily get you, first 1000 followers. Add location, profile picture (in high-quality). While reading the profile details, the listener should know everything behind the song, the inspiration, the making, the genre, the purpose. This can be done by sharing all these details through description, use the character limit wisely. Engage more listeners, by allowing them to download and making the track available in MP3 format.
Once, the connection is built, it gets stronger and meaningful with your every upload.

4. Share on Social Media.

Sharing the track on social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest will enable a large viewership of the post and tweet. You could also request your Soundcloud followers to share the link, track, teasers on their respective social media platforms.
A.Facebook:- It is pretty easy to integrate the Soundcloud track into Facebook as an embedded playable track by simply pasting the URL of the track on your FB page. Over time, a special fan page can be created where track samples can be uploaded for your fans.
B.YouTube:- YouTube is another convenient option that can be used to promote your Soundcloud audios. Since the integration between Soundcloud and YouTube is not as easy as other platforms, hence this medium can be and should be used for promotion by posting teasers, putting up the embedded link in the YouTube video and redirecting interested listeners to your Soundcloud page.
C.Twitter:- this is one of the most effective media of providing live updates to your listeners and followers on your music releases.
D. Pinterest:- have your Soundcloud track pinned as an image on Pinterest using the Pinmarklet feature on Soundcloud. The image could be the album cover or any other relevant picture.

5. Post On Music Forums and Subreddits.

To get more listeners, you should spread the word about your SoundCloud profile. The simplest way to do that is to post links to your profile on relevant forums and subreddits. There are tons of forums and subreddits out there dedicated solely to music, and plenty of music lovers utilize these as resources to seek out new artists. Do some research to search out the most relevant forums and subreddits in your niche, and start posting!

6. Know the Right Tagging.

Every song has a genre and every genre has a mood to it. Always use related and similar interest tags for the song, so that the listeners can find them when they search that genre on SoundCloud. Technically also it is suggested to give the track relevant tagging. Otherwise, it is disqualified to be discovered. Tagging is a major social media factor, which you cannot overlook in SoundCloud as well.

7.Soundcloud Groups.

Next is to become members of different groups on Soundcloud – since this feature is free of cost, it will not hurt you to socialize a bit. The benefit is that once you become part of the various group you could share your tracks with them thereby helping the music get natural Soundcloud plays.

8. Buy SoundCloud Plays.

There is no denying it: In a more and more oversaturated music industry, it may be hard for your music to be heard. To boost your visibility on SoundCloud, it’s important that users are playing your songs regularly. The more plays you have, the more visible you’ll be. If you’re struggling to attract listeners, it can be advantageous to buy SoundCloud plays. While it’s true that this pretty much equates to artificially inflating your play count, as a result, you’ll garner more real followers. There is a wide range of services that offer SoundCloud plays, and costs vary so you will want to do your research before making a purchase order.

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