Get 100,000+ Facebook Followers: 8 Tactics That Actually Work

Social media is a powerful force on the Internet in the 21st century. You can ignore this fact if you like, but social media is changing the way individuals interact with one another and with businesses. As a webmaster or business owner, you need to figure out how to take advantage of the power and reach of social media. If you are like the rest of us, you no doubt have a Facebook profile already. Facebook boasts user statistics that are stunning, to say the least:
  • 1.35 billion monthly users in total
  • 864 million daily active users
  • 152 million daily active users in the US and Canada
Facebook should play a critical role in your digital marketing strategy, and that starts with gaining followers. How can you do that? Here are Some Ways for Facebook Followers, that’s Help You to Get More Followers on Facebook.
1. Take Advantage of Trending Hashtags.
2. Download Facebook Follow Button.
3. Host Contests and Giveaways on Facebook.
4. Start a Conversation With Users Who React to the Post.
5. Create Shareable Content to Get Facebook Followers.
6. Boost Your Facebook Posts.
7. Share on Twitter.
8. Publish Pictures and Videos with a Short Description. 

1. Take Advantage of Trending Hashtags.

Luckily for us, the hashtag #dronesforgood had surfaced on social media, so it was the ideal time to swoop in and build a Facebook page dedicated to this concept. We made sure to include this hashtag whenever we shared a relevant post so that our target audience could easily find us through Facebook’s search feature.

2. Download Facebook Follow Button.

This paves way for seamless access for Facebook users to the relevant FB page by installing the Facebook Follow Button. First download Facebook Follow Button. That will show Facebook presence upfront and avoids the hassle of a user having to search for the brand.
Two steps can configure the button on a website. Just put your Facebook account URL and design the button as you like it.

3. Host Contests and Giveaways on Facebook.

Let’s be honest: everyone loves free stuff — it is a great strategy to increase followers on Facebook, especially if you’re a retailer. By hosting a contest or giveaway for one of your upcoming products or product lines, you can attract more Facebook users and potential customers. If you don’t sell items, try partnering with companies that do for a one-two punch.
Cookware company Williams Sonoma saw an opportunity to gain some engagement and activity by promoting the Feast Portland food festival. To garner attention for its brand, the company hosted a contest to win tickets to a popular food festival and a 10-piece set of its cookware.

4. Start a Conversation With Users Who React to the Post.

To do this, wait for someone to react to the post, and as soon as they do, comment on the post. Be sure to tag the person and ask a question to spark conversation. For instance, in the Ford Cortina post, as soon as people reacted, the business commented and tagged those users, as shown below.
If you do this with 5+ people, it should start a flow of organic comments, reactions, and shares. If this tactic doesn’t work, tag five more people who react to the post and ask them an open-ended question. Keep repeating the process until reactions and engagement are flowing.

5. Create Shareable Content to Get Facebook Followers.

Sharing really is caring in the social media universe. When someone shares your content, he or she amplifies its reach and helps you connect with more prospective customers.
People don’t just share content because it’s a nice thing to do, though. They share because they truly believe their friends, family members, and colleagues will benefit from the content.
If you want people to share your Facebook posts, make them as valuable as possible. Give people an incentive to share it with their own followers so your brand gets more exposure.
Shareable content typically features a few common qualities:
  • Engaging imagery
  • A compelling CTA
  • A solid headline
  • Eye-grabbing fonts and graphics
You don’t want it to look gaudy but focus on attracting attention. Facebook streams can become monotonous, so if you stand out, your followers might share.

6. Boost Your Facebook Posts.

You can also leverage important events, promotions, and announcements on Facebook to get more business page likes and follows. Have you ever tried Facebook Boosted posts? Without a boost, your post won’t make it very far – typically to less than 20% of your audience. With a boost, your posts travel much further. In fact, a boost even lets you reach friends of fans and those who don’t even know about your business yet. It’s quick, easy, inexpensive and very effective. Here’s how to boost your post:
  • Start by writing your post.
  • Include an image, and make sure the image contains less than 20% text.
  • Click on the blue Boost Post button at the bottom of your post.
  • Select your audience (fans, friends of fans, or an audience you choose through targeting).
  • Select for how long you want to boost it.
  • Provide your payment information.
  • Start the boost.

7. Share on Twitter.

Are you active on Twitter? You may be able to turn your Twitter followers into Facebook likers if you regularly tweet out your page link on Twitter and remind people to follow you there, too.

8. Publish Pictures and Videos with a Short Description. 

Images and videos are the most engaging types of content people like on Facebook. If you want to attract more visitors to your posts, publish attention-grabbing pictures with a short description or videos up to 1-minute long. Of course, the content shall be relevant to your niche.

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