Follow These Tricks To Make Your Facebook Post Shares Go Viral!

Here are Some Ways for Facebook Post Shares, that’s Help You to Get More Shares on Facebook Post.
1. Tell a Meaningful Story.
2. Ask People to Share Your Content.
3. Write to a Specific Audience.
4. Be More Active With Trending Topics.
5. Write Longer Posts6. Make Videos Educational.
7. Think Social, Be Inclusive and STOP SELLING.
8. Elicit a Strong Reaction. 

1. Tell a Meaningful Story. 

 This technique is well known in the marketing sector as it is one of the most efficient techniques to get the audience’s attention in an authentic way. Indeed, nowadays when people watch commercials, they do not want to see a brand promoting a product or service for its benefits anymore. They want to be told a story which will make them want to buy what the brand offers.

2. Ask People to Share Your Content.

The first step is admitting you need help. It sounds like such an obvious no-brainer, but it really does make a difference. Make a point of asking for social shares, and you’ll be more likely to get them.
For example, some sites use a pop-up that says “If you liked this post, share it on Facebook!” It’s a gentle reminder to (social) share the love.

3. Write to a Specific Audience.

When it comes to persuasive copywriting, the primary tactic is to be crystal clear about who will be reading and engaging with the copy.
Facebook, in particular, offers marketers and publishers the ability to drill down and target an audience. When you create Facebook Ads, you can target users by gender, relationship status, education, workplace, location, interests, behaviors, and more. Because of this, you can develop a good idea of who you’re sharing with, and come up with a copy that fits this audience.
Ask yourself what words they would use, how they would position a Facebook post to their own friends and family, and what issues matter most to them.

4. Be More Active With Trending Topics.

There are some niches and groups of the target audience that are more suited and interested in trending topics or hot news. If you belong to such a niche, you can a lot of exposure, Facebook likes and shares just by being a little more active in covering the news.
For example, if everybody is waiting for the announcement of Apple’s new iPhone and its features, and you become the first one to write a detailed post on it and share it on Facebook, people will like and share it on their profiles.
Simply because that’s the only content they will find on that topic. As you hurried to cover a trending topic, you cut out a lot of competition. It’s a proven tactic to get more social media exposure, but it requires some effort.

5. Write Longer Posts.

If you want people to share a blog post after reading it, make your posts longer. Neil Patel of Quick Sprout, citing outside research and his own observations, notes that blog posts with 1,500 words or more are some of the most popular. If you write list posts, it’s simple to add a few more list items to a post to bring it up to this target word count.

6. Make Videos Educational.

In addition to making videos that have a humorous aspect, you also want to use your videos to educate. Don’t have people watch your video and feel their time was wasted because they got nothing out of it. Sure, cat videos are great for animal rescue groups’ pages or animal news pages like The Dodo but put these anywhere else and people will feel mislead. Your goal is to leave your audience with at least one new piece of information that they didn’t have before.
If a video is particularly informative or the information is surprising (Did you know that Ioannis Ikonomou, the European Parliament’s chief translator, speaks 32 living languages and reportedly as many as 47, including dead languages?), your audience will feel compelled to react (like, heart, wow) and share with their friends.

7. Think Social, Be Inclusive and STOP SELLING.

Content marketing is a lot like a first date – if you do nothing but talk about yourself the whole time, there won’t be a second date. To have success on social media, you have to be social and give engagement to get it back. Use inclusive language in your updates and write posts that create conversations, rather than read like a monologue. Ask questions, ask for feedback, ask for suggestions. No one goes on social media to be sold to, so avoid the common Facebook marketing mistake of feeling pressure to be overly promotional with your content.
The businesses that see the greatest financial return on their Facebook efforts are the ones that foster a solid relationship with their audience that builds over time and naturally converts them from followers to customers.

8. Elicit a Strong Reaction.

Appeals to emotion are usually an efficient way to get people fired up and willing to take action by sharing your post. I was managing a Facebook account for a background check company, and we posted a mugshot of a sex offender who had been caught in the act by his victim’s father and given a doozy of a shiner. This post appeals to our demographic on multiple levels:
  •  It has a strong family element, which illustrates a father’s protective instincts.
  •  It’s a great revenge story—the absolute worst kind of criminal getting what he deserves.
  •  It’s a true story.
This was a good strategy that fit the leanings of our demographic. For most businesses, it wouldn’t be appropriate to post a picture of a beat-up sex offender, but you can use similar techniques and adapt this strategy to content that makes sense for your business or organization.

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