8 Powerful Facebook Statistics for Post Comments: You Need to Know

Here are Some Ways for Facebook Comments, that’s Help You to Get More Comments on Your Facebook Posts.
1. Post Pictures.
2. Use Visual Content. 
3. Share A Story!
4. Add Reaction.
5. Ask Open-Ended Questions.
6. Try to Post at the Best Time.
7. Go Live Video Rocks!
8. Reply to Comments Quickly.

1. Post Pictures.

If you want to increase the number of Comments on your Facebook Posts, first you need to upload an eye-catching picture. Most Facebook marketers know that posting photos will generate engagement from fans. We live in a visual world – and with more Facebook users than ever using mobile devices to scan their news feeds, visual posts are more important than ever.
Why do people (and their eyeballs) gravitate toward visual content like pictures? Because pictures and graphics are often easier to consume – and usually more fun to share.

2. Use Visual Content. 

Unless it’s a very compelling story or deals with a hot-button issue, a post that includes just text is unlikely to get many reactions. According to a study by NewsWhip, which tracks social media engagement, 86% of the Facebook posts that get the most comments are videos, and 14% are pictures.

3. Share A Story!

Share the story of your brand with your audience. Tell the story of what’s happening in your company, success stories of your clients, etc. People love stories and they love to know what is happening behind the scenes. These kinds of posts are great for encouraging interaction, so tell the story!

4. Add Reaction.

Do you know those situations where you don’t want to reply to comment yet want to acknowledge it? Thankfully, similar to posts, you can add reactions to comments as well. Usually, Facebook supports six emoji reactions but they keep adding new ones for a limited time.
To react to a comment, hover your mouse over the Like button or long-tap the Like button (if you are using the mobile app). Then select the emoji that you want to use.

5. Ask Open-Ended Questions.

Much like best practices for interviewing, asking open-ended questions is one of the easiest ways to ensure your audience will engage. Asking a yes or no question will more than likely result in very few people responding to the post. Instead, ask open-ended, thought-provoking questions. For instance, instead of asking whether or not someone loves or hates the beach, ask your audience which beach was their favorite to visit as a child.

6. Try to Post at the Best Time.

When I say that try to publish a post at the best time, I mean to say that utilize the time when people are most likely to click on your post. There are both, best days to post an update as well as the best time in a day to post an update, for maximum exposure.
The best time to post an update on Facebook is around noon to 1:00 pm and if you want to get more clicks, then you should post an update at 3:00 pm. Similarly, the best days are Thursdays and Fridays for better engagement and Saturdays for more shares. Combines these timings to create a perfect posting schedule and stick to it.

7. Go Live Video Rocks!

If you want comments on your posts then go live!  It is not for everyone, but if you are comfortable in front of a camera then go for it. When you are live you can encourage people to ask you questions by commenting below.    Here are my top tips for getting better engagement on a Facebook live broadcast:-
  1. Only go live if you have something to say.  If you have nothing to say, then don’t do it!
  2. Embrace Imperfection – people buy from people.  Be authentic and your real self and people will get involved.
  3. Facebook live works best if you are producing a regular show at the same time each week.  Consistency will bring back your followers, and they will bring their friends.
  4. Let your audience drive the action.  Don’t fret if the content goes a bit off topic.  Just go with the flow and read your audience.

8. Reply to Comments Quickly.

When it comes to social media algorithms, in addition to engagement, one of the biggest indicators of whether or not a piece of content will rise to the top of a feed is time (i.e. how recently that post was published). Because of this, quickly replying to comments left on your social media posts is important when it comes to how high it will index on the news feed in addition to how high or low the reach (number of impressions) will be. The more promptly you reply, the more likely that others will see the content.

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