Get Facebook Followers: A Free & Easy Social Media Guide

The 8 steps below demonstrate with a real example of how to get more than 10,000 fans on your Facebook business page. Facebook is the king of social networks with more than 2.3 billion active users per month (Updated January 2019).

Here are Some Ways for Facebook Followers, that's Help You to Get More Followers on Facebook Page.

1. Create Shareable Content to Get Facebook Followers.

2. Use Facebook Social Plugins.

3. Publish Pictures and Videos with a Short Description. 

4. Keep Your Page Updated.

5. Take Advantage of Trending Hashtags.

6. Re-Share Popular Content.

7. Promote on Other Social Networks.

8. Download the Facebook Follow Button.

1. Create Shareable Content to Get Facebook Followers.

Sharing really is caring in the social media universe. When someone shares your content, he or she amplifies its reach and helps you connect with more prospective customers.
People don’t just share content because it’s a nice thing to do, though. They share because they truly believe their friends, family members, and colleagues will benefit from the content. If you want people to share your Facebook posts, make them as valuable as possible. Give people an incentive to share it with their own followers so your brand gets more exposure.
Shareable content typically features a few common qualities:
  • Engaging imagery
  • A compelling CTA
  • A solid headline
  • Eye-grabbing fonts and graphics

2. Use Facebook Social Plugins.

Use Facebook's Page Plugin (formerly the “Like” box) on your other socials sites, website and blog. A like button next to your blog post will increase shares, but the Page Plugin can help you boost likes.

3. Publish Pictures and Videos with a Short Description. 

Images and videos are the most engaging types of content people like on Facebook. If you want to attract more visitors to your posts, publish attention-grabbing pictures with a short description or videos up to 1-minute long. Of course, the content shall be relevant to your niche.

4. Keep Your Page Updated.

With the new algorithm and the loss of organic reach, many fan pages have simply thrown in the towel.
  • Posts from more than a year ago on their timeline
  • Unanswered reviews and comments
  • Etc.
The image of an abandoned ship doesn’t help the business’ interests in the slightest.
What would be the point of Facebook sending visitors to an abandoned lot?
It’s better not to have a fan page than to show one that’s slacking. Remember social proof? Would you buy drinks from a completely empty bar with posters from 2 years ago? The same feeling applies online.

5. Take Advantage of Trending Hashtags.

Luckily for us, the hashtag #dronesforgood had surfaced on social media, so it was the ideal time to swoop in and build a Facebook page dedicated to this concept. We made sure to include this hashtag whenever we shared a relevant post so that our target audience could easily find us through Facebook’s search feature.

6. Re-Share Popular Content.

As illustrated in point number two, posting valuable content will not only keep your current followers loyal, but it will also give you a higher chance of gaining more followers. If some of your posts have gone viral or accrued an impressive amount of engagement, don’t be afraid to share those posts again. If your post resonated with your current followers, they will also likely resonate with individuals who don’t already follow you.
Additionally, not all of your posts will reach all of your followers because your posts compete with posts by friends and family. Thus, you must re-share content every two months or so to ensure that those who haven’t seen your content will see them.

7. Promote on Other Social Networks.

Cross promote your Facebook page on your other social networks. Running a contest on Facebook? Post it on Twitter. You can also ask your followers on Twitter, Pinterest, etc. to follow you on Facebook, too.
Another great idea – when someone follows you on Twitter, reply and ask him to follow you on Facebook. (tweet this)

8. Download the Facebook Follow Button.

You can make it easy for Facebook users to connect with your page by downloading and installing the Facebook Follow Button. It takes the guesswork out of connecting to your page, showing them upfront that you have a Facebook presence and eliminating the user’s need to search for your brand on his/her own. When Facebook users want to follow you, all they need to do is click on the Facebook Follow Button.
It takes only two steps to configure and install the button on your site. Just add your Facebook account URL, customize the design of your button, and you’re ready to go!

Buy Facebook Followers

Buy 3000 Facebook Followers

Buy 10000 Facebook Followers


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