Maximize Your Facebook Reach: Follow These Tactics & Increase Your Post Shares

How do you motivate people to share more of your Facebook activity? You need to know how to get a lot of shares from a facebook post. Now I am discussing how to increase the number of shares on Facebook.  
Here are 8 simple ways to get your fans to share more content from your Facebook page.
1. Post Viral Content!
2. Share It Yourself.
3. Give a Strong Reaction.
4. Post Quotes & Motivations.
5. Create a Connection.
6. Don’t Post Too Often.
7. Thank Sharers!

1. Post Viral Content!

Search Post Planner for content by niche, keyword, or your favorite social media accounts. Look for the star ratings to see which posts have been most viral. Hint: Find more 5-star content by expanding the search from week to a month.
You can easily pick the items that you like best, and schedule them right in Post Planner. Or, use the viral posts to inspire your own unique content. Original content performs best! You can look within the “Quotes” category on the left. Use the viral quotes on your own images.

2. Share It Yourself.

If you don’t love your content, no one else will. So be your own brand ambassador by sharing your own business posts on your personal page. It helps increase the reach of your post and shows your network of connections that this piece of content is ‘share-worthy’. Encourage your employees and long-time followers of your brand to do the same.

3. Give a Strong Reaction.

Appeals to emotion are usually an efficient way to get people fired up and willing to take action by sharing your post. I was managing a Facebook account for a background check company, and we posted a mugshot of a sex offender who had been caught in the act by his victim’s father and given a doozy of a shiner. This post appeals to our demographic on multiple levels:
  •  It has a strong family element, which illustrates a father’s protective instincts.
  •  It’s a great revenge story—the absolute worst kind of criminal getting what he deserves.
  •  It’s a true story.
This was a good strategy that fit the leanings of our demographic. For most businesses, it wouldn’t be appropriate to post a picture of a beat-up sex offender, but you can use similar techniques and adapt this strategy to content that makes sense for your business or organization.

4. Post Quotes & Motivations.

People don’t read text on its own, they see the picture and decide within ⅕ of a second to read or not to read the text it has. Use this information to your advantage and offer them visual posts to motivate and inspire with great sayings and quotes. Why are these types of quotes are so popular? We all are fighting with inner questions all day long and when we find something that speaks to us and our situation, our finger instinctively taps the “like” button. All we need is motivation,  and when we see the inspirational words said by a celebrity, a great mind or whoever else we want to act now – lose weight, make this Monday productive, start a new life, and eat 5 veggies a day!
Note:- If You want to increase your post shares rapidly on Facebook, You can Buy Facebook Post Share

5. Create a Connection.

In an age of seemingly diminishing face-to-face contact and interaction, creating a connection with your customers in any way possible - including via Facebook - is extremely important. One of the best ways to foster a connection with users online is to showcase your company’s charitable efforts. A recent New York Times study found that 84% of people share content they come across online that allows them to be supportive of specific charities and causes. For example, creating a post that brings awareness to the fight against heart disease can help create a personal connection with Facebook users who may then share your post to build further awareness. Not only will this allow users to show their support for the cause, but it will also promote the company to more and more people online.

6. Don’t Post Too Often.

Frequent posting is a good thing when you’re keeping your page active with one or more posts a day. Regular posting shows Facebook that you’re maintaining your presence, and it’ll help your posts reach more people. If you’re posting 7+ times a day and expect to get lots of engagement on all your posts, it probably won’t happen. Facebook’s News Feed algorithm will filter out most of your posts, and people who see your updates may ignore them.

7. Thank Sharers! 

Clicking on the number of shares brings up a window with all Public or friend shares. If available, click Like or comment on their post via your personal profile. If shared by a Page, you can Like and comment as your Page. By increasing their engagement, you’ll help the share get more visibility, and encourage them to share again in the future.
  • You can also upload the image to your website and include the link for people to pin to Pinterest in a comment.
  • But don’t only post graphics and photos. Keep it interesting by mixing in links, videos, questions, and text updates on your Fan Page.

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