Twitter Followers: 8 Effective Methods To Grow Your Following Fast

Here are Some Best Ways for Twitter Followers, that's Help You to Get More Followers on Twitter.

1.Tweet Regularly.

2. Stay Active on Twitter.

3. Share Your Twitter Account in Other Places.

4. Put Hashtags to Good Use. 

5. Interact with More than Just @Mentions.

6. Link Your Twitter to Your Other Social Media Accounts.

7. Follow Users Recommended by Twitter.

8. Find Out the Best Time to Tweet to Your Followers.

1.Tweet Regularly.

According to research performed by Social Media Today, it has been discovered that the optimum number of times to tweet per day is now far higher than what was previously thought, with expert practitioners in the field suggesting a posting schedule of around 3-5 Tweets a day.
Furthermore, due to the ‘timeline’ nature of Twitter, not all of your audience will always see your Tweets due to the different times in which they access the platform. Reports show higher engagement levels on posts sent out in the evening, but by all means, conduct your own experiments and scatter your posts out across a varied timescale to see what works for you.

2. Stay Active on Twitter.

A good way to get noticed is to participate in Twitter and staying active all the time. Re-tweet other’s useful posts or tweets. This can draw huge attention. Remember, people are always seeking to learn and discover new things. If you re-tweet a popular or useful post which will benefit others, they are most likely to re-tweet your re-tweet. I hope you know what I mean. When they re-tweet your tweet, you will get noticed by their followers and they might do the same; they might as well start following you.

3. Share Your Twitter Account in Other Places.

If you want to get more Twitter followers, you must include your link or user name in other social platforms like Facebook, Instagram or your blog. If you participate in an event or collaborate in other blogs, ask them to mention your Twitter account. This is a great way to increase followers.

4. Put Hashtags to Good Use. 

Hashtags can help boost the number of your Twitter followers if used appropriately. Since you only get to work with 140 characters, use hashtags sparingly. Use just 2-3 hashtags in your posts, otherwise, your posts can end up looking very spammy. Keep a lookout for trending tags and when you spot one that is relevant to your business/brand, send out tweets using the tag. To make sure your posts are getting attention, you can retweet other users who might be using the same hashtags. If you are going to be hosting an event or if you are starting a new campaign, create campaign/event specific hashtags, and promote them so that your users can easily connect with you. For a better reach, go for hashtags that are used commonly and are relevant to your business.

5. Interact with More than Just @Mentions.

Use Search Agents to perform ongoing searches running for industry terms and mentions of your brand. When you see a new Tweet come in, follow or otherwise interact with the user that tweeted it. We recommend making your searches as specific as possible so that you're only interacting with users that will care about your content.

6. Link Your Twitter to Your Other Social Media Accounts.

If you’ve got a Twitter, chances are you’ve got Instagram, Facebook, a website, and so on. Link your Twitter to every single one of them! The more Internet exposure your Twitter profile gets, the better. This is especially true if you have a sizable following on a different platform.

7. Follow Users Recommended by Twitter.

One of the most effective ways to let Twitter know what your twitter account is all about is by following certain users that they recommend or advertise. This strategy helps your twitter account get in front of the right set of users.
For instance, when you follow a profile on twitter, the recommended users to follow next is almost always related to the profile you initially followed.
So there are 3 ways to make sure twitter gets your brand right. Start by;
  • Following the recommended users after you follow an influencer.
  • Using the ‘find friends’ twitter feature to follow interesting users.
  • Using the ‘who to follow’ section around your twitter feed to follow users.
  • Following accounts (related) that are promoted by Twitter Ads.

8. Find Out the Best Time to Tweet to Your Followers.

Just like with blogging, your timing is an important factor in the exposure and reach of your content. You need to make sure you’re getting the biggest bang for your content — for that, use Social Bro.
Social Bro is a premium Twitter management tool, and one of its many impressive features is its ability to research your audience and gauge the perfect time for you to send out your tweets.

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