Instagram Comments: Follow These Instructions To Get Lot Of Comments On Your Posts

You want to increase your comments on your Instagram posts. 

Here are Some Ways for Instagram Comments, that Helps You to Get More Comments on Instagram Your Posts.

1.  Ask Users To Engage In The Comments.

2. Use Hashtags.

3. Show Off Your Talent In A Way.

4. Reply To Comments.

5. Write Better Captions.

6. Post Videos.

7. Publish At The Right Time Of Day.

8. Schedule Instagram Posts for When Your Audience Is Most Active.

1.  Ask Users To Engage In The Comments.

A simple way to get more Instagram comments is to ask for them.
Post content on Instagram that lends itself to sharing, and asks users to answer a question or tag their friends and coworkers in the comments. It's a fun and easy way to interact with your audience, and it helps you garner more comments, too.

2. Use Hashtags.

What separates Instagram from other social media platforms is the unique way the platform allows users to employ hashtags. Instagram is the first platform that made full use of hashtags. You should pay close attention to using them in the right way.
Follow the trending hashtags on a daily basis, which will give you an idea about how to shape your own tags and make your content more visible. If the tags you used are viral, more people will see your content, and your chances of boosting the comments will increase significantly.

3. Show Off Your Talent In A Way.

If you’ve got the talent for this one you can do it over and over again in every way imaginable.  Talent is the gift that keeps on giving.
Many of the comments on this post are complements, but just as many are genuine questions about the products she uses.  She’s positioning herself as a credible authority and I’m sure she’s got the attention of cosmetics companies because of it.
You know you’re on the right track when you’re getting comments like this one: “Just need to say that I went shopping at Sephora thanks to this video !!! Lol, these cosmetic brands need to start paying you !!”

4. Reply To Comments.

One foolproof way to get more comments is to make the most of what you’ve already got on your posts. Reply to the comments that other users have left. Not only will this up to the comment count (people won’t automatically see that half the replies are from you), this can generate more discussion. And more discussion means more comments.
Overwhelmed with the overall engagement? Use Agorapulse to monitor, manage, and reply to all comments that are happening on your Instagram account (and your other social profiles, too). You’ll never miss an opportunity to generate more conversation with users who are already engaging with your content.

5. Write Better Captions.

Instagram posts with captions generate more engagement and encourage users to spend more time looking at your post, which is believed to be an advantage with the current algorithm as it prioritizes content by engagement.
A good caption will give your photo context, express personality, and engage your audience. You can approach your caption in a number of different ways: it can be a long, detailed caption that tells a story. It can be short and to the point caption, that enhances the photo and provides a ‘take’ on the image or additional context. It can be serious and thought-provoking or funny and light-hearted.

6. Post Videos.

Time spent viewing videos on Instagram increased by 40% in 2016, and now, users can post videos up to one minute in length. Post this engaging content to get followers to stop scrolling through their busy Instagram feeds and watch your video -- and make sure it's intriguing. Your audience wants more video content -- especially on social media -- so if you share something compelling and ask viewers to comment on it in the caption, they'll most likely do it.
Create short videos for Instagram that tease longer videos on other platforms -- like Facebook or YouTube -- or post the longer video (up to 60 seconds).

7. Publish At The Right Time Of Day.

There's a lot of debate over the best time of day to post on social media, and that's because the answer varies depending on your industry, your followers, and what type of content you're posting.
Our best advice is to test out your engagement rates on Instagram when you post at different times throughout the week and determine your publishing schedule based on the results. Whether it's bright and early on Monday morning or later in the afternoon, try to figure out the time when your followers are more willing to stop and leave a comment to maximize the engagement of your posts each day. Use a social media content calendar to track scheduling and results.

8. Schedule Instagram Posts for When Your Audience Is Most Active.

One of the best ways to generate a ton of engagement is to schedule your Instagram posts for when your audience is most active on Instagram. The reason for this is that the Instagram algorithm gives priority to posts with higher engagement, meaning that the more likes and comments your post receives, the more people will see your post.
If you post when your audience is most active on Instagram, you’re more likely to drive engagement on that post. That engagement will translate into Instagram bumping your post higher up on users’ feeds, which, in turn, will result in even more engagement on your post. It’s a cyclical process: higher engagement leads to more visibility, which leads to higher engagement, which leads to more visibility… and it all starts with when you post on Instagram.

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