Increase SoundCloud Plays: Get More Plays In 2019

Here is Some Step You Can Use and You Will Definitely Get Lot of Plays on Soundcloud.

1. Create A Professional Music Video.

2. Properly Title Your Song.

3.  Purchase SoundCloud Plays.

4. Share Your SoundCloud Links On Facebook.

5. Tag The Mood And Genre Of Your Audio.

6. Leverage YouTube For More Exposure.

7Follow Back.

8. Upload The Music Very Carefully.

1. Create A Professional Music Video.

One of the ways you can increase the plays for your music is by making a music video. Right now, users spend more than 33% of their Internet time watching videos. Furthermore, video content gets more offers and higher engagements when contrasted with different types of media on the web. Exploit this by making recordings and sharing them additionally over video sites like YouTube. This demonstrates the significance of incorporating video in your music. Ensure that you make recordings for your melodies, and at that point share these recordings on numerous web-based social networking pages and websites, with these recordings linking back to your SoundCloud profile.

2. Properly Title Your Song.

First impressions mean a lot, and a properly tagged song can make the difference in getting played or skipped over.
Track Title: Make sure your track is properly titled. If it’s an original, put (Original Mix) after the name.
If you’re offering a free download, add [Free Download] to the end of your track title. This is the only way for people to know that your song is available for download from the Stream. Many people won’t even listen to a song if they don’t know if it’s available for download, so this is important.

3.  Purchase SoundCloud Plays.

There is no denying it: In a more and more oversaturated music industry, it may be hard for your music to be heard. To boost your visibility on SoundCloud, it’s important that users are playing your songs regularly. The more plays you have, the more visible you’ll be. If you’re struggling to attract listeners, it can be advantageous to Buy SoundCloud Plays. While it’s true that this pretty much equates to artificially inflating your play count, as a result, you’ll garner more real followers. There is a wide range of services that offer SoundCloud plays, and costs vary, so you will want to do your research before making a purchase order.

4. Share Your SoundCloud Links On Facebook.

Whether you have a profile that shows you are a developing artist, where you can share the link with your new song, or try adding it to groups that share the same musical interests, Facebook can help you find more listeners. Still, if you want to join a group on Facebook, it is recommended to have a bit of activity first there, like offering comments and feedbacks for the rest. And only after you can start introducing your links, together with a comment relevant to the group, just to avoid being seen as spam or ignored.

5. Tag The Mood And Genre Of Your Audio.

Every piece of audio has a mood tied to it.  Be sure that you show it in the tags.  Furthermore, the algorithm that SoundCloud uses is very specific and prioritizes recommendations for its users.  If your tags are correct, you’ll be much more discoverable.
Additionally, by choosing the main genre of your track, you should subsequently add a few relevant sub-genres and moods that describe your audio.  “It’s better to add a handful of relevant tags rather than go crazy and add as many as you can,” states the blog post.  Basically, quality over quantity. This proves true in more situations than just SoundCloud tags.
So it's a great way to Increase SoundCloud Plays.

6. Leverage YouTube For More Exposure.

We've already discussed Facebook exposure for your music, I know. But there's another powerful way to leverage Facebook and that's through YouTube. In many ways, YouTube is more of a social platform than any other. Why? Because studies show that videos get more shares, comments, and likes than any other form of online content.
What does this mean for you?
Yep, you guessed it; MUSIC VIDEO!
I know it sounds daunting, expensive and time-consuming. But creating a music video for that new track you just created will take your SoundCloud exposure to the next level! YouTube is the base where your music video will be hosted. Facebook will be the tool you use to give that music video exposure. The two make a potent combination if utilized properly.

7Follow Back.

Similar to growing your follower base at other social media platforms, you must follow and counter follow other artists and musicians. It helps because in this way followers of another artist notice you and get tempted to listen to your tracks and albums. When a Soundcloud user follows you, and you follow him back, it helps in two ways – one, you create an instant connection with this person and secondly, you would create more exposure to your release as his groups and followers will be able to view your uploaded album and check the same.

Read More:- How to Increase SoundCloud Followers.

8. Upload The Music Very Carefully.

Do not be lazy to upload music from your mobile, it is always recommended to upload the track using a desktop/laptop. Advantageous factors like, tags, description, metadata, and permissions are missed knowingly or unknowingly, which you should not be casual about. Make sure all these factors are well written as per the character limit and relevance to your music.
You should be detailed yet brief while writing the description. Add Title, which should include the name of the song and artist. For example, you cannot brag about your music, and skip on credits. Include all the team members, artists, professionals who contributed and supported the making of the song. Also try to create engaging content for the listeners, so that they feel relatable. Also, the audio can have a summary about the story you want to tell to your listeners, it’s a great way to build a connection with listeners, that stays for long and helps you increase SoundCloud followers.

Buy SoundCloud Plays


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